
大广智不空三藏 译


尔时,众中有一大婆罗门,名无垢妙光,多闻聪慧,人所乐见,常行十善,归信三宝,善心殷重,智慧微细,常恒欲令一切众生,圆满善利,大富丰饶。时婆 罗门无垢妙光从座而起,往诣佛所,绕佛七匝,以众香华奉献世尊,无价妙衣、璎珞、珠鬘,持覆佛上,顶礼双足,却住一面,作是请言:“唯愿世尊与诸大众,明 日晨朝,至我宅中,受我供养。”尔时世尊,默然许之。


尔时,世尊软语安慰彼婆罗门无垢妙光,遍告大众宣言:“汝等皆应往彼婆罗门家摄受供养,为欲令彼获大利故。”于时世尊即从座起,才起座已,从佛身出 种种光明,间错妙色,照触十方,悉皆警觉,然后趣道。时婆罗门以恭敬心,持妙香华,与诸眷属及天龙八部、释梵四王,先行治道,奉引如来。


尔时世尊礼彼朽塔,右绕三匝,脱身上衣,用覆其上,泫然垂泪,涕血交流,泣已微笑。当尔之时,十方诸佛,皆同观视,亦皆流泪,各所放光来照是塔。于 时大众惊愕变色,互欲决疑。尔时,金刚手菩萨等,亦皆流泪,威焰炽盛,执杵旋转,往诣佛所,白言:“世尊!此何因缘,现是光相?何如来眼流泪如是?亦彼十 方诸佛大瑞光相现前?唯愿如来于此大众解释我疑。”

时薄伽梵告金刚手:“此大全身舍利积聚如来宝塔,一切如来无量俱胝心陀罗尼密印法要,今在其中。金刚手!有此法要在是中故,塔即变为重叠无隙,如胡 麻子,俱胝百千如来之身;当知亦是,如胡麻子,百千俱胝如来全身舍利之聚,乃至八万四千法蕴亦在其中;九十九百千万俱胝如来顶相亦在其中;由是妙事,是塔 所在之处,有大神验,殊胜威德,能满一切世间吉庆。”

尔时大众闻佛是说,远尘离垢,断诸烦恼,得法眼净。时众机异,利益亦别。须陀洹果、斯陀含果、阿那含果、阿罗汉果、辟支佛道,及菩萨道、阿鞞跋致、 萨波若智,于如是事,各得其一;或有证得初地、二地,乃至十地;或有满足六波罗蜜。其婆罗门远尘离垢,得五神通。时金刚手见此奇特希有之事,白言:“世 尊!妙哉奇异,但闻此事,尚获如是殊胜功德,况闻深理,至心起信,得几功德?”

佛言:“谛听!汝金刚手,后世若有信男、信女,及复我等四部弟子,发心书写此一经典,即准书写九十九百千万俱胝如来所说一切经典;即过于彼九十九百 千万俱胝如来之前,久植善根;即亦彼诸一切如来,加持护念,犹如爱眼,亦如慈母,爱护幼子。

若人读诵此一卷经,即为读诵过去、现在、未来诸佛所说经典。由 如是故,九十九百千万俱胝一切如来、应、正等觉,侧塞无隙,犹如胡麻,重叠赴来,昼夜现身,加持其人。

如是一切诸佛如来,无数恒沙,前聚未去,后群重来, 须臾推迁,回转更赴,譬如细沙,在水旋急,不得停滞,回去复来。若有人以香华涂香、华鬘衣服,微妙严具,供养此经,即成于彼十方九十九百千万俱胝如来之 前,以天香华,衣服严具,七宝所成,积如须弥,尽以供养,种植善根,亦复如是。”



佛告金刚手:“此非土聚,乃是殊妙大宝塔耳!由诸众生业果劣故,隐蔽不现。由塔隐故,如来全身非可毁坏,岂有如来金刚藏身而可坏哉!我若灭度,后世 末法逼迫之时,若有众生习行非法,应堕地狱,不信三宝,不植善根,为是因缘,佛法当隐,然犹是塔坚固不灭,一切如来神力所持。无智众生惑障覆蔽,徒朽珍 宝,不知采用,以是事故,我今流泪,彼诸如来,亦皆流泪。”

复次,佛告金刚手言:“若有众生书写此经置塔中者,是塔即为一切如来金刚藏窣都婆,亦为一切如来陀罗尼心秘密加持窣都婆,即为九十九百千万俱胝如来 窣都婆,亦为一切如来佛顶佛眼窣都婆,即为一切如来神力所护。

若佛像中、窣都婆中安置此经,其像即为七宝所成,灵验应心,无愿不满。其窣都婆,伞盖罗网, 轮橖露盘,德字铃铎,楹础基阶,随力所办,或土或木,若石若砖,由经威力,自为七宝。一切如来于此经典加其威力,以诚实言不断加持。

若有有情能于此塔,一 香一华礼拜供养,八十亿劫生死重罪一时消灭,生免灾殃,死生佛家。


塔及形像所在之 处,一切如来神力所护,其处不为暴风、雷电、霹雳所害,不为毒蛇、蚖蝮、毒虫、毒兽所伤;不为狮子、狂象、虎狼、野干、蜂虿之所伤害;亦无药叉、罗刹、部 多那、毗舍遮、魑魅、魍魉、癫痫之怖;亦复不为一切寒热诸病,疬瘘、痈疽、疮疣、疥癞所染。

若人暂见是塔,能除一切灾难。其处亦无人马六畜、童子童女疫疠 之患,不为横死非命所夭,不为刀杖、水火所伤,不为盗贼怨仇所侵,亦无饥馑贫乏之忧。厌魅咒诅,不能得便。四大天王与诸眷属,昼夜卫护;二十八部大药叉 将,日月五星,幢云彗星,昼夜护持。一切龙王加其精气,顺时降雨。一切诸天与忉利天,三时下来亦为供养。一切诸仙三时来集,赞咏旋绕,礼谢瞻仰。释提桓因 与诸天女,昼夜三时来下供养。其处即为一切如来护念加持,由纳经故,塔即如是。

若人作塔,以土石木、金银铜铅书此神咒安置其中,才安置已,其塔即为七宝所 成;上下阶级、露盘、伞盖、铃铎、轮樘,纯为七宝。其塔四方如来形相,由法要故,一切如来坚住护持,昼夜不去。其七宝塔全身舍利之妙宝藏,以咒威力,擢竦 高至阿迦尼吒天宫之中。塔所串峙,一切诸天,昼夜瞻仰,守卫供养。”





那莫悉怛哩野(四合)地尾(二合)迦南(一)萨婆怛他蘖多喃(二)唵(三)部尾婆嚩娜嚩唎(四)嚩者梨(五)嚩者[齒*來](智皆反六)祖噜祖噜驮 啰驮啰(七)萨嚩怛他蘖多(八)驮(引)睹驮梨钵娜[牟*含](二合)婆嚩底(九)惹也嚩梨(十)亩怛梨(二合)萨磨(二合)啰(十一)怛他檗多达磨斫迦 啰(十二)钵罗(二合)靺栗多(二合)娜嚩曰罗(二合梨音)冒地满拏(十三)楞迦啰(十四)楞讫哩(二合)谛萨嚩怛他(引)檗多地瑟耻(二合)谛(十六) 冒驮野冒驮野(十七)冒地冒地(十八)没[亭*夜]没[亭*夜](十九)参冒驮儞参冒驮野(二十)者攞者攞(二十一)者懒都(二十二)萨嚩嚩啰拏儞(二十 三)萨嚩播波尾檗谛(二十四)户噜户噜(二十五)萨嚩戍迦弭檗帝(二十六)萨嚩怛他檗多(二十七)讫哩(二合)娜野嚩日啰(二合)抳(二十八)三婆啰三婆 啰(二十九)萨嚩怛他檗多(三十)虞[口*皿]野(二合)驮啰抳亩涅梨(二合三十一)啰没悌苏没悌(三十二)萨嚩怛他檗多(引)地瑟耻(二合)多(三十 三)驮睹檗陛娑嚩(二合)贺(三十四)三摩耶(引)地瑟耻(二合)帝娑嚩(二合)诃(三十五)萨嚩怛他檗多讫哩(二合)娜野驮睹亩捺犁(二合)娑嚩(二 合)诃(三十六)苏钵罗(二合)底瑟耻(二合)多萨睹(二合)闭怛他檗多地瑟耻(二合)帝户噜户噜吽吽娑嚩(二合)诃(三十七)唵萨嚩怛他檗多(三十八) 坞瑟抳(二合)沙驮睹亩捺啰(二合)尼萨嚩怛他檗单娑驮睹尾部使多地瑟耻(二合)帝(三十九)吽吽娑嚩(二合)诃(引四十)



若有恶人死堕地狱,受苦无间,免脱无期,有其子孙,称亡者名,诵上神咒,才至七遍,洋铜热铁忽然变为八功德池;莲生承足,宝盖驻顶,地狱门破,菩提道开, 其莲如飞至极乐界,一切种智自然显发,乐说无穷,位在补处。 

复有众生重罪报故,百病集身,苦痛逼心,诵此神咒二十一遍,百病万恼一时消灭,寿命延长,福德 无尽。 

若复有人悭贪业故,生贫穷家,衣不隐身,食不续命,[(禾*尤)/里]瘦衰蔽,人所恶贱;是人惭愧,入山折采无主搹华,若磨朽木,持以号香,往至塔 前礼拜供养,旋绕七匝,流泪悔过;由神咒力及塔威德,灭贫穷报,富贵忽至,七宝如雨,无所缺乏;但当此时,弥饰佛法,施与贫乏,若有吝惜,财宝忽灭。

若复 有人为种善根,随分造塔,或泥或砖,随力所办,大如庵罗,高四指许,书写神咒,安置其中,持以香华,礼拜供养,以其咒力及信心故,自小塔中出大香云,香气 云光周遍法界,薰馥晃曜,广作佛事,所得功德,如上所说;取要言之,无愿不满。

若有末世四辈弟子、善男善女,为无上道,尽力造塔,安置神咒,所得功德,说 不可尽。若人求福至其塔所,一华一香礼拜供养,右旋行道,由是功德,官位荣耀,不求自至;寿命富饶,不祈自增;怨家盗贼,不讨自败;怨念咒诅,不厌归本; 疫疠邪气,不拔自避;善夫良妇,不求自得;贤男美女,不祷自生;一切所愿,任意满足。

若有乌雀、鸱枭、鸠鸽、鸺鹠、狗狼、野干、蚊虻、蚁蝼之类,暂来塔影 及踏场草,摧破惑障,觉悟无明,忽入佛家,恣领法财。况有众人,或见塔形,或闻铎声,或闻其名,或当其影,罪障悉灭,所求如意,现世安稳,后生极乐。

或人 随力,以一丸泥涂塔坏壁,运一拳石扶塔礩倾,由此功德,增福延寿,命终之后成转轮王。

若我灭后,四部弟子,于是塔前济苦界故,供养香华,至心发愿,诵念神 咒,文文句句放大光明,照触三途,苦具皆辟,众生脱苦,佛种牙萌,随意往生十方净土。

若人往在高山峰上,至心诵咒,眼根所及,远近世界,山谷林野,江湖河 海,其中所有毛羽鳞甲一切生类,碎破惑障,觉悟无明,显现本有三种佛性,毕竟安处大涅槃中。

若与此人往过道路,或触衣风,或踏其迹,或唯见面,或暂交语, 如是等人重罪咸灭,悉地圆满。”






<一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经> / 影片

<一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经> / 功德利益

1) 有此法要在是中故,塔即变为重叠无隙,如胡 麻子,俱胝百千如来之身;当知亦是,如胡麻子,百千俱胝如来全身舍利之聚,乃至八万四千法蕴亦在其中;九十九百千万俱胝如来顶相亦在其中;由是妙事,是塔 所在之处,有大神验,殊胜威德,能满一切世间吉庆。

2) 后世若有信男、信女,及复我等四部弟子,发心书写此一经典,即准书写九十九百千万俱胝如来所说一切经典;即过于彼九十九百 千万俱胝如来之前,久植善根;即亦彼诸一切如来,加持护念,犹如爱眼,亦如慈母,爱护幼子。

3) 若人读诵此一卷经,即为读诵过去、现在、未来诸佛所说经典。由 如是故,九十九百千万俱胝一切如来、应、正等觉,侧塞无隙,犹如胡麻,重叠赴来,昼夜现身,加持其人。

4) 如是一切诸佛如来,无数恒沙,前聚未去,后群重来, 须臾推迁,回转更赴,譬如细沙,在水旋急,不得停滞,回去复来。若有人以香华涂香、华鬘衣服,微妙严具,供养此经,即成于彼十方九十九百千万俱胝如来之 前,以天香华,衣服严具,七宝所成,积如须弥,尽以供养,种植善根,亦复如是。

5) 若有众生书写此经置塔中者,是塔即为一切如来金刚藏窣都婆,亦为一切如来陀罗尼心秘密加持窣都婆,即为九十九百千万俱胝如来 窣都婆,亦为一切如来佛顶佛眼窣都婆,即为一切如来神力所护。

6) 若佛像中、窣都婆中安置此经,其像即为七宝所成,灵验应心,无愿不满。其窣都婆,伞盖罗网, 轮橖露盘,德字铃铎,楹础基阶,随力所办,或土或木,若石若砖,由经威力,自为七宝。一切如来于此经典加其威力,以诚实言不断加持。

7) 若有有情能于此塔,一 香一华礼拜供养,八十亿劫生死重罪一时消灭,生免灾殃,死生佛家。

8) 若有应堕阿鼻地狱,若于此塔或一礼拜,或一右绕,塞地狱门,开菩提路。

9) 塔及形像所在之 处,一切如来神力所护,其处不为暴风、雷电、霹雳所害,不为毒蛇、蚖蝮、毒虫、毒兽所伤;不为狮子、狂象、虎狼、野干、蜂虿之所伤害;亦无药叉、罗刹、部 多那、毗舍遮、魑魅、魍魉、癫痫之怖;亦复不为一切寒热诸病,疬瘘、痈疽、疮疣、疥癞所染。

10) 若人暂见是塔,能除一切灾难。其处亦无人马六畜、童子童女疫疠 之患,不为横死非命所夭,不为刀杖、水火所伤,不为盗贼怨仇所侵,亦无饥馑贫乏之忧。厌魅咒诅,不能得便。四大天王与诸眷属,昼夜卫护;二十八部大药叉 将,日月五星,幢云彗星,昼夜护持。一切龙王加其精气,顺时降雨。一切诸天与忉利天,三时下来亦为供养。一切诸仙三时来集,赞咏旋绕,礼谢瞻仰。释提桓因 与诸天女,昼夜三时来下供养。其处即为一切如来护念加持,由纳经故,塔即如是。

11) 若人作塔,以土石木、金银铜铅书此神咒安置其中,才安置已,其塔即为七宝所 成;上下阶级、露盘、伞盖、铃铎、轮樘,纯为七宝。其塔四方如来形相,由法要故,一切如来坚住护持,昼夜不去。其七宝塔全身舍利之妙宝藏,以咒威力,擢竦 高至阿迦尼吒天宫之中。塔所串峙,一切诸天,昼夜瞻仰,守卫供养。

12) 若有恶人死堕地狱,受苦无间,免脱无期,有其子孙,称亡者名,诵上神咒,才至七遍,洋铜热铁忽然变为八功德池;莲生承足,宝盖驻顶,地狱门破,菩提道开, 其莲如飞至极乐界,一切种智自然显发,乐说无穷,位在补处。

13) 复有众生重罪报故,百病集身,苦痛逼心,诵此神咒二十一遍,百病万恼一时消灭,寿命延长,福德无尽。

14) 若复有人悭贪业故,生贫穷家,衣不隐身,食不续命,[(禾*尤)/里]瘦衰蔽,人所恶贱;是人惭愧,入山折采无主搹华,若磨朽木,持以号香,往至塔 前礼拜供养,旋绕七匝,流泪悔过;由神咒力及塔威德,灭贫穷报,富贵忽至,七宝如雨,无所缺乏;但当此时,弥饰佛法,施与贫乏,若有吝惜,财宝忽灭。

15) 若复 有人为种善根,随分造塔,或泥或砖,随力所办,大如庵罗,高四指许,书写神咒,安置其中,持以香华,礼拜供养,以其咒力及信心故,自小塔中出大香云,香气 云光周遍法界,薰馥晃曜,广作佛事,所得功德,如上所说;取要言之,无愿不满。

16) 若有末世四辈弟子、善男善女,为无上道,尽力造塔,安置神咒,所得功德,说 不可尽。若人求福至其塔所,一华一香礼拜供养,右旋行道,由是功德,官位荣耀,不求自至;寿命富饶,不祈自增;怨家盗贼,不讨自败;怨念咒诅,不厌归本; 疫疠邪气,不拔自避;善夫良妇,不求自得;贤男美女,不祷自生;一切所愿,任意满足。

17) 若有乌雀、鸱枭、鸠鸽、鸺鹠、狗狼、野干、蚊虻、蚁蝼之类,暂来塔影 及踏场草,摧破惑障,觉悟无明,忽入佛家,恣领法财。况有众人,或见塔形,或闻铎声,或闻其名,或当其影,罪障悉灭,所求如意,现世安稳,后生极乐。

18) 或人 随力,以一丸泥涂塔坏壁,运一拳石扶塔礩倾,由此功德,增福延寿,命终之后成转轮王。

19) 若我灭后,四部弟子,于是塔前济苦界故,供养香华,至心发愿,诵念神 咒,文文句句放大光明,照触三途,苦具皆辟,众生脱苦,佛种牙萌,随意往生十方净土。

20) 若人往在高山峰上,至心诵咒,眼根所及,远近世界,山谷林野,江湖河 海,其中所有毛羽鳞甲一切生类,碎破惑障,觉悟无明,显现本有三种佛性,毕竟安处大涅槃中。

21) 若与此人往过道路,或触衣风,或踏其迹,或唯见面,或暂交语, 如是等人重罪咸灭,悉地圆满。

<一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经> / 陀罗尼

Namah sdeliya divi kanam
拿莫 悉地哩呀 地尾噶南
sarva tathagatanam
萨瓦 达他噶达南
om bhuvibha vadha vari vachari vachatai
奥母 部尾吧瓦达瓦利 瓦者利 瓦者泰
suru suru dhara dhara
苏鲁 苏鲁 达拉 达拉
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
dhatu dhari padma bhavati
达睹 达利 巴得吗 巴瓦地
mudri smara
母得利 思吗拉
tathagata dharma chakra
达他噶达 达吗 扎卡拉
vajri bodhi bana
巴者利 包地 班那
sarva tathagata dhistite
萨瓦 达他噶达 地思提地
bodhaya bodhaya
包达呀 包达呀
bodhi bodhi
包地 包地
buddhya buddhya
布达呀 布达呀
samboddhani samboddhaya
三布达你 三布达呀
chala chala
者拉 者拉
sarva varanani
萨瓦 瓦拉那你
sarva papavigate
萨瓦 巴巴尾噶地
huru huru
户鲁 户鲁
sarva sukhavigati
萨瓦 戍迦尾噶地
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
hridaya vajrani
和利达呀 巴者拉你
sambhara sambhara
三巴拉 三巴拉
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
suhaya dharani mudri
苏哈呀 达拉你 母得利
buddhi subuddhi
布地 苏布地
sarva tathagata dhistita
萨瓦 达他噶达 地思提达
dhatu garbhe svaha
达睹 噶比 斯瓦哈
samaya dhistite svaha
三吗呀 地思提地 斯瓦哈
sarva tathagata hridaya dhatu mudri svaha
萨瓦 达他噶达 和利达呀 达睹 母得利 斯瓦哈
supra tisthita stubhe tathagata dhistite huru huru hum hum svaha
苏布拉 地思提达 思度比 达他噶达 地思提地 户鲁 户鲁 轰轰 斯瓦哈
om sarva tathagata
奥母 萨瓦 达他噶达
usnisa dhatu mudrani sarva tathagatam sadha tuvi bhusita dhistite
乌思你沙 达睹 母得拉你 萨瓦 达他噶单 萨达 睹尾部西达 地思提地
hum hum svaha
轰轰 斯瓦哈

<一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经> / 陀罗尼 / 影片

Namah sdeliya divi kanam
拿莫 悉地哩呀 地尾噶南
sarva tathagatanam
萨瓦 达他噶达南
om bhuvibha vadha vari vachari vachatai
奥母 部尾吧瓦达瓦利 瓦者利 瓦者泰
suru suru dhara dhara
苏鲁 苏鲁 达拉 达拉
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
dhatu dhari padma bhavati
达睹 达利 巴得吗 巴瓦地
mudri smara
母得利 思吗拉
tathagata dharma chakra
达他噶达 达吗 扎卡拉
vajri bodhi bana
巴者利 包地 班那
sarva tathagata dhistite
萨瓦 达他噶达 地思提地
bodhaya bodhaya
包达呀 包达呀
bodhi bodhi
包地 包地
buddhya buddhya
布达呀 布达呀
samboddhani samboddhaya
三布达你 三布达呀
chala chala
者拉 者拉
sarva varanani
萨瓦 瓦拉那你
sarva papavigate
萨瓦 巴巴尾噶地
huru huru
户鲁 户鲁
sarva sukhavigati
萨瓦 戍迦尾噶地
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
hridaya vajrani
和利达呀 巴者拉你
sambhara sambhara
三巴拉 三巴拉
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
suhaya dharani mudri
苏哈呀 达拉你 母得利
buddhi subuddhi
布地 苏布地
sarva tathagata dhistita
萨瓦 达他噶达 地思提达
dhatu garbhe svaha
达睹 噶比 斯瓦哈
samaya dhistite svaha
三吗呀 地思提地 斯瓦哈
sarva tathagata hridaya dhatu mudri svaha
萨瓦 达他噶达 和利达呀 达睹 母得利 斯瓦哈
supra tisthita stubhe tathagata dhistite huru huru hum hum svaha
苏布拉 地思提达 思度比 达他噶达 地思提地 户鲁 户鲁 轰轰 斯瓦哈
om sarva tathagata
奥母 萨瓦 达他噶达
usnisa dhatu mudrani sarva tathagatam sadha tuvi bhusita dhistite
乌思你沙 达睹 母得拉你 萨瓦 达他噶单 萨达 睹尾部西达 地思提地
hum hum svaha
轰轰 斯瓦哈

<一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经> / 白话译本


金刚阿阇黎光亮上师 白话





































那嫫悉旦里也 地尾加南 萨婆旦陀涅多南 唵 部尾婆负娜负离 负者离 者者斋 祖噜祖噜陀啰 萨负旦陀涅多 驮都驮犂钵娜满婆负底 惹也负离 某祖犂萨么啰 旦陀涅多达摩斫讫啰 钵啰磨栗尺 娜负日啰冒地满那 楞加啰楞讫哩谛 萨负旦陀涅多地色齿谛 冒陀也冒陀也 冒地冒地 没咋没咋 三冒驮你三冒驮也 者罗者罗 者懒睹 萨负负啰那你 萨负播波尾涅谛 户噜户噜 萨负戌加靡涅帝 萨负旦陀涅多 哥哩那野负日哩你 三婆啰三婆啰 萨负旦陀涅多 宇细也驮啰抳某涅犂 没悌苏没悌 萨负旦陀涅多 地色齿多 驮睹涅陛娑负诃 三摩也地色齿帝娑负诃 萨负旦陀涅多哥哩那也陀睹某纳犂娑负呵 苏钵啰地色齿多涅睹闭旦陀涅多地色齿帝户噜户噜轰轰娑负诃 唵 萨负旦陀涅多伍色抳沙驮都某那啰尼萨负旦陀涅单娑驮都尾部使多 地色齿帝 轰轰娑负诃




















The Sutra Of Casket Seal Dharani From The Secrete Whole Bodies’ Relics Of All Buddhas' hearts


Thus I have heard, at one time, The Buddha was at the Precious Bright Pond in the No-dirt Garden in the country of Moqietuo, surrounded by an assembly of uncountable high Bodhisattvas, high Sound Hearers, Heavenly Dragons, Yaochas, Jiandapos, Asuluoes, Jialouluoes, Jinaluoes, Mohouluoqies, Human beings and Non-human beings.

At that time, a high Bhraman in this assembly whose name was No-dirt and Subtle Light. He was a wise man of profound knowledge. All people were delightful to meet him. He took refuge with Triple Gems and always did ten good deeds. He was very mercy and wise. He always wished all living beings to be completely good and rich.

This Bhraman No-dirt and Subtle light stood from his seat. He walked to The Buddha and surrounded Him for seven times. He offered The Buddha with many flowers and incense. He put very expensive clothes and jewellery on The Buddha. He made obeisance to The Buddha’s feet , stood by one side and said: “ We invite The World Honoured One and all of you to accept my offering in my home tomorrow morning. Then The Buddha promised.

The Bhraman knew The Buddha accepted his invitation. He returned home quickly and prepared one hundred delicious food and drinks at night. He cleaned all his halls and rooms. He hanged many banners. He brought his relatives with incense, flowers and good music in the next morning. They came to The Buddha and said: “It is the right time, please come to my home”. The Buddha answered the Bhraman No-dirt Subtle Light kindly and announced to the mass: “All of you should go to the Bhraman’s home and receive the offering to let them receiving big benefit. Then The Buddha stood up from his seat. Various colour light from The Buddha shown to ten directions as soon as The Buddha stood. All the people saw and started to walk.

Then the Bhraman brought with him incense and flowers respectively with his relatives and Heavenly Dragons, Eight Departments, the four Bhraman Kings walking in front to open and guide the way for The Buddha.

At that time The Buddha walked to a small distance and arrived at a garden named "RICH".

There was an old Stupa which was damaged with brambles and grass. It was buried with tiles and rocks. It looked like a mound of mud. The Buddha walked to this Stupa. The Stupa shone very brightly. A sound from this mound of mud praising:

“Good indeed, Good indeed, Shakyamuni. Your walk today is in a very good situation. And Bhranman, you will receive great benefit today.” Then The Buddha paid respect to the Stupa and walked surrounding clockwise to the Stupa. The Buddha took off his gown and put it on the mound of mud. He wept seriously. After weeping He smiled again. At that time all Buddhas from ten directions saw and wept. They emitted bright lights to shine this Stupa. All the people were frightened and confused. At that time The Varjrapania Bodhisattva wept seriously. He walked to The Buddha in a dignified manner with his pestle turning and said to The Buddha:”

Why is it so bright? Why do you weep? And The Buddhas from ten directions are appearing with such a brightness. We wish The Thus Come One to explain my question to the mass.

Then The Bhagavad told Varjrapania.“ All Buddhas' uncountable kotis heart dharani secrete seal Dharma is in this great whole body relics concentration Buddhas’ Stupa. This Stupa became overlapping with no gap, as many as sesames. Hundreds and thousands of kotis Buddhas.

Bodies are also as many as sesames. Hundreds and thousands of kotis Buddhas' whole bodies relics concentration, even the eighty four thousand Dharmas are inside this Stupa.

Ninety nine hundreds of thousands of millions kotis Buddhas' heads' form are also inside. Because of this wonderful reason, no matter where this Stupa is, it is very spiritual efficacious. The wonderful virtue may satisfy all Earthly good wishes."

When the mass heard The Buddha said like that. They left all the dirty thoughts, and all the worries were gone. They obtained clean Dharma eyes. They obtained one of the result according to their different conditions. Their benefit were also different. Some body obtained Sakadagamin, Sotapannas, Anagamin, Arhat, Pratyeka Buddhas and Boddhisattva, Avarvartyas, Sabuoruo wisdom. Some people were certified to obtain the primary stage, the second stage until the tenth stage of Boddhisattva position. Some of them obtained satisfied six paramita. The Bhraman left dirty thoughts and obtained five spiritual penetrations.

When Varjrapania Bodhisattva saw this strange matter, he said to The Buddha: “ Good indeed, so strange. We obtain such wonderful merit and virtual since we hear about it. If we hear the truth and wholeheartedly believe it, how much merit and virtual we can obtain?”

The Buddha said: “ Listen Varjrapania. If there are faithful men or faithful ladies and the four groups of disciples of mine in the future bring forth to write this Sutra, it is equal to write all Sutras spoken by ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. They have planted good roots in front of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. All the Buddhas take care of them just like protecting their eyes, also like the mercy mothers taking care of their sons.

If anybody read this one Sutra, it is equal to reading all Sutras spoken by all Buddhas from the past, present and the future. Because of this reason, ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas, Proper Enlightened Ones as many as sesames come range upon range without any gap. They show up day and night to bless this people. So all Buddhas as many as uncountable sand grits in the Ganges will arrive even when the previous Buddhas range hasn’t left. They come by turns like the sands revolving in the whirling water. They come to and fro without stop.

If anybody offers this Sutra with incense, flowers, beautiful clothes and wonderful decorations. They become Heavenly flowers, beautiful clothes and wonderful decorations made from seven gems appearing in front of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas from the ten directions of the Universe. These things piled up like The Sumero Mountain for offerings. The good roots they plant are also so many.”

At that time, the Heavenly Dragons, the Eight Departments, Humans and Non-humans heard about this. They felt very strange and talked to each other:” So strange is this spoiled mound. It has such spiritual change because of the Buddhas’ blessing.” Varjrapani asked The Buddha again:

“The World Honored One, why is the seven gems Stupa becomes a mud mound now?”

The Buddha told Varjrapania: “ This is not a mound. It is a wonderful great Stupa. It does not appear because the mass’s bad kharma. The Stupa was hidden but the whole bodies of Buddhas are not destructive. How can the varjra bodies of Buddhas be destroyed!

When I enter nirvana, in the age of decadence and compelling. If anybody who do illegal deeds, They should be punished to the Hell. They do not believe the Triple Gems. They do not plant any good roots. Buddhism will be hidden because of this reason. But this strong and durable Stupa would not be destroyed because of blessing from all Buddhas’ spiritual power. The living beings without wisdom are covered by kharma. They spoil the gems and do not know to use it. Today I weep because of this reason. All Buddhas weep also.

Moreover, The Buddha told Varjrapania: “If anybody writes this Sutra and put it into a Stupa. It will be a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Varjra Store. It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Dharani Heart Secrete Blessing. It is a Stupa of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ tops and eyes. It will be protected by all Buddhas’ spiritual power.

If anybody put this Sutra into a Stupa or a Buddha statue, This Statue will be made by seven gems. It will be very efficacious and will fulfill all wishes. The umbrellas, covers, nets, wheels, plates, bells, bases and steps will be made by power. The material from mud, wood, stone or brick will become seven gems because of the power of this sutra.

All Buddhas will add their powerful force and continuousely bless this Sutra by honest speech.

If any sentient being prostrates himself before and offers an incense and a flower to this Stupa. Serious sin of eight billion kalpas of this sentient being will be deleted. His disaster will be avoided when he is alive. He will reborn in a Buddhist family after he dies.

If anybody should be punished to Abi Hell, when he prostrates himself before this Stupa one time or walks around this Stupa one time clockwise. The door of the Hell would be closed and the road of Bhodi will be opened.

All Buddhas will bless by spiritual power to any place where the Stupa or the image locates. No tornado, thunderstorm, lightning will do harm. No poisonous snake, poisonous worm and poisonous beast may hurt. No lion, mad elephant, tiger, wolf, wild bees may hurt. No panic from Yaocha, Luocha, Buduo, Nakunshe, Zheli demons, monsters, epilepsy. No sick from cold or hot, lilou, tanzhu, sore and scabies.

Anybody will avoid all disasters if he just has a look at this Stupa.

No plague will hapen from human, horses, animals, boys and girls. He will not suffer from unnatural death. He will not be wounded by knife, water and fire. He will not be invaded by robbers, thieves or enemies. He will not suffer from hunger and poor. No incantation from ghosts and monsters may do harm.

The Four Heavenly Kings and their relatives will protect him day and night. Great Yaocha Generals from the Twenty Eight Departments, and the sun, moon, five stars banners cloud and comets will protect him day and night. All the Dragon Kings will reinforce their air to create rain on time. All the Heavenly beings, Trayastrimsha Heaven will come down three times for offering.

All Celestial beings come three times for praising, surrounding and salute to this place. Sakya King and all Heavenly girls come down to do offering three times day and night. This place is blessed by all Buddhas. This Stupa is like that because the Sutra is inside.

If anybody establishes a Stupa with mud, stone, wood, gold, silver, cupper and lead, and he writes this spiritual Dharani and put it inside. The Stupa become seven gems as soon as the Dharani is put. The steps, plates, umbrellas, covers, bells and wheels become all seven gems. The Buddha forms around the four sides of this Stupa stay and protect day and night because of the Dharma.

The seven gems Stupa with whole bodies relics wonderful precious store grows by the power of this Dharani to Ajianiza Heaven. All Heavenly beings pay respects to, protect, pay offering to this Stupa day and night when it rises to the Heaven.

Varjrapani asked: “Why is this dharma so wonderfully virtuous?” The Buddha said:” Because of the spiritual power of this Casket Seal Dharani.”

Varjrapani said:” We wish The Buddha take pity on us and speak this Dharani.”

The Buddha said:” Listen and think, do not forget. The bright appearance of branch bodies of all Buddhas of the present and the future. The whole body relics of all Buddhas in the past are in this Casket Seal Dharani. All the Buddhas’ three bodies are also inside.” Then The Buddha spoke the Dharani:

Namad sedeliya divi kanam,

sava tathagatanam,

om bhuvibha vadhavari,

vachari vachatai,

suru suru dhara dhara,

sarva tathagata dhatudhari,

padmabhavati jayavari

mudri smara.

tathagata dharma chakra, pravartana vajri bodhi pana,

rumkara rumkriti,

sava tathagata dhistite,

bodhaya bodhaya bodhi bodhi,

buddhya buddhya,

samboddhani samboddhaya,

chala chala chalamtu,

sarva varanani,

sarva papavigate,

huru huru sarva sukhavigati,

sarva tathagata haridaya vajrani,

sambhara sambhara,

sarva tathagata suhaya

dharani mudri,

buddhi subuddhi,

sarva tathagata dhistita,

dhatu garbhe svaha

samaya dhistite svaha,

sarva tathagata haridaya,

dhatu mudri svaha,

supra tisthita stubhe

tathagata dhistite,

huru huru hum hum svaha,

om sarva tathagata usnisa,

dhatu mudrani,

sarva tathagatam

sadha tuvibhusita,

dhistite hum hum svaha.

When The Buddha finished speaking this Dharani, All Buddhas spoke from the mound to praise:”Good indeed, good indeed, Shakyamuni, you come to this turbid world and speak this profound Dharma for the benefit of those living beings who have nobody to rely on. This important Dharma will stay for the benefit, serene and happiness of the world for a long time.”

At that time, The Buddha told Varjrapani: “ Listen, listen, this important Dharma has immeasurable spiritual power and uncountable benefit. It is like the precious gratified pearls on the banner. It spread gems to fulfil all wishes.

I just tell you one ten thousandth of this dharma. You should remember for the benefit for all.

If any bad person felt into the Hell. He suffered seriously and did not know when he could be relieved. If his son or grandson calls the dead person’s name and read this Dharani for seven times. The melting copper and hot iron becomes suddenly a pond with eight virtual water.A lotus flower carries him with a precious cover upon his head. The door of Hell will be broken and the road of Bodhi opens. The lotus flower flies to the World of Ultimate Bliss. All the wisdom appears naturally. He is happy to speak and stay at a position of supplement of a Buddha.

If any person suffers many diseases and is suffering acute pain because of his cause of serious sin. If he reads this spiritual Dharani for twenty one times. All the diseases and worries will disappear. He will enjoy uncountable blessings and long life.

If any body lives in a poor family because he was miserly, his clothes can not cover his body. His food can not keep him survival. He appears to be very week and thin, people don’t like to see him. This person feels ashamed. He goes to a mountain taking some wild flowers. He grinds some wood to make incense. He goes to the front of this Stupa to prostrate and make offerings. He walks around the Stupa seven times clockwise. He weeps and repents. The poor effect is deleted and wealth comes suddenly. Seven gems come like raining. Nothing is in shortage. But at this time he should offer to The Buddha and The Dharma; and donate to the poor. If he is miserly, the wealth will disappear suddenly.

If anybody establishes a Stupa with a height of four fingers for planting good roots. He uses mud or bricks according to his ability. He writes this spiritual Dharani and puts it into this Stupa. He prostrates himself before this Stupa with fragrant flowers. Frangrant cloud comes out from the small Stupa because of the power of the Dharani and his faith. The fragrance and cloudy light spread all over the Dharma Realm. This fragrance and brightness will do Buddhist deeds. The merit and virtual are as the same as abovementioned. That is to say no any wishes are not satisfying.

In the age of decadence, if noble men and noble women of the four families of believers, strive to build this Stupas and settle the miraculous Dharani in it, the resulting virtue and merits will be immeasurable.

If some one who comes to the Stupa begging for blessing, he offers a flower or an incense, prostrates himself before and makes offerings to the Stupa, and circumanbulates the Stupa clockwise. Because of such merits, the person will automatically gain happiness, high position and fame without striving; obtain longevity and richness without asking; defeat enemies and thieves without fighting; diminish hatreds and curses without expelling; avoid diseases and plagues without curing: get a noble husband or a lovely wife without searching: bear smart sons and pretty daughters without praying; and all wishes will be fulfilled.

If there are birds, pigeons, dogs, wolves, mosquitoes and ants, coming to the shadow of this Stupa or stepping on the grassland, they will destroy the obstruct and understand from ignorance. They will enter a Buddhist’s home and receive the Dharma wealth.

If any person sees the form of the Stupa, or he hears the sound from the bells, or hears the name of this Stupa, or he is at the shadow of this Stupa. His criminal obstruction will be demolished. His wishes will be fulfilled. He will enjoy a serene life and will reborn in the World of Ultimate Bliss after he dies.

If anybody uses a little mud to repair the spoiled wall of the Stupa, or uses a small stone to prop up the leaning Stupa. His blessing and lifespan will be raised. He will become a Wheel Turning King after this life.

After my nirvana, if anybody in the four families of my believers offers incense and flowers, sincerely vows to read this Dharani in front of the Stupa aiming to relieve the suffering of those in evil patterns, every sentence will eliminate great light to shine the three evil patterns. All suffering will be gone. The living beings will be relieved from pain and the seed of Buddha will sprout. They will reborn in any pure lands as they wish.

If anybody standing on a mount and read this Dharani sincerely. All living beings with hair, feather, scales and shells that are staying in the mountains, forest, rivers and seas within the sight of this man, will break the obstruction and understand from the ignorance. The original three natures of the Buddha will appear. They will stay in the serene place of great nirvana.

If anybody walks with this person on the same road. Or anybody touches his clothes or steping on the footprint of this person. Or anybody meets him and has a talk with this person. The serious sin of this person will be demolished and he will find success in the path of enlightenment.

At that time, The Buddha told Varjrapania: " Now I enjoin this secret mysterious Dhrani Sutra to you. You should pay respect and protect it. Let this Dhrani Sutra be spread all over the world. Don't let the living beings stop learning it.

Varjrapania said: " Now I am so lucky to be enjoined by The Hounable One. We wish to protect and spread this Sutra day and night to the world for paying a debt of gratitude to The Buddha.

If anybody writes ,up holds and remind continuously this Sutra. We will urge the Shakra Emperor and the four Kings of the Heaven, all Dragons and the Eight Departments on the Heaven to protect this person day and night and do not leave him.

The Buddha said: " Good indeed, Varjrapania. You protect this Dharma and do not let it stop for the great benefit of all living beings in the future.

At that time, The Hounable One spoke The Casket Seal Dharani and spread the Buddhis deeds. After that they went to the Bhraman's home and accepted offerings. They made great benefits to all Heavenly beings and Human beings and returned to their residence.

At that time, all the Bhishus, Bhishunis, laymen, laywomen, Heavenly Dragons, Yechas, Jiandapoes,Axiuluoes, Jialouluoes,Jinaluoes, Mohouluoqies, Human beings and Non-human beings were all happy. They believed, accepted, up held and practised this Dharma.

Merits of Sutra

1) Ninety nine hundreds of thousands of millions kotis Buddhas' heads' form are also inside. Because of this wonderful reason, no matter where this Stupa is, it is very spiritual efficacious. The wonderful virtue may satisfy all Earthly good wishes.

2) If there are faithful men or faithful ladies and the four groups of disciples of mine in the future bring forth to write this Sutra, it is equal to write all Sutras spoken by ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. They have planted good roots in front of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. All the Buddhas take care of them just like protecting their eyes, also like the mercy mothers taking care of their sons.

3) If anybody read this one Sutra, it is equal to reading all Sutras spoken by all Buddhas from the past, present and the future. Because of this reason, ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas, Proper Enlightened Ones as many as sesames come range upon range without any gap. They show up day and night to bless this people. So all Buddhas as many as uncountable sand grits in the Ganges will arrive even when the previous Buddhas range hasn’t left. They come by turns like the sands revolving in the whirling water. They come to and fro without stop.

4) If anybody offers this Sutra with incense, flowers, beautiful clothes and wonderful decorations. They become Heavenly flowers, beautiful clothes and wonderful decorations made from seven gems appearing in front of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas from the ten directions of the Universe. These things piled up like The Sumero Mountain for offerings. The good roots they plant are also so many.

5) If anybody writes this Sutra and put it into a Stupa. It will be a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Varjra Store. It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Dharani Heart Secrete Blessing. It is a Stupa of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ tops and eyes. It will be protected by all Buddhas’ spiritual power.

6) If anybody put this Sutra into a Stupa or a Buddha statue, This Statue will be made by seven gems. It will be very efficacious and will fulfill all wishes. The umbrellas, covers, nets, wheels, plates, bells, bases and steps will be made by power. The material from mud, wood, stone or brick will become seven gems because of the power of this sutra.

 All Buddhas will add their powerful force and continuously bless this Sutra by honest speech.

7) If any sentient being prostrates himself before and offers an incense and a flower to this Stupa. Serious sin of eight billion kalpas of this sentient being will be deleted. His disaster will be avoided when he is alive. He will reborn in a Buddhist family after he dies.

8) If anybody should be punished to Abi Hell, when he prostrates himself before this Stupa one time or walks around this Stupa one time clockwise. The door of the Hell would be closed and the road of Bhodi will be opened.

9) All Buddhas will bless by spiritual power to any place where the Stupa or the image locates. No tornado, thunderstorm, lightning will do harm. No poisonous snake, poisonous worm and poisonous beast may hurt. No lion, mad elephant, tiger, wolf, wild bees may hurt. No panic from Yaocha, Luocha, Buduo, Nakunshe, Zheli demons, monsters, epilepsy. No sick from cold or hot, lilou, tanzhu, sore and scabies.

10) Anybody will avoid all disasters if he just has a look at this Stupa.

11) No plague will hapen from human, horses, animals, boys and girls. He will not suffer from unnatural death. He will not be wounded by knife, water and fire. He will not be invaded by robbers, thieves or enemies. He will not suffer from hunger and poor. No incantation from ghosts and monsters may do harm.

11) The Four Heavenly Kings and their relatives will protect him day and night. Great Yaocha Generals from the Twenty Eight Departments, and the sun, moon, five stars banners cloud and comets will protect him day and night. All the Dragon Kings will reinforce their air to create rain on time. All the Heavenly beings, Trayastrimsha Heaven will come down three times for offering.

12) If anybody establishes a Stupa with mud, stone, wood, gold, silver, cupper and lead, and he writes this spiritual Dharani and put it inside. The Stupa become seven gems as soon as the Dharani is put. The steps, plates, umbrellas, covers, bells and wheels become all seven gems. The Buddha forms around the four sides of this Stupa stay and protect day and night because of the Dharma.

13) If any bad person felt into the Hell. He suffered seriously and did not know when he could be relieved. If his son or grandson calls the dead person’s name and read this Dharani for seven times. The melting copper and hot iron becomes suddenly a pond with eight virtual water.A lotus flower carries him with a precious cover upon his head. The door of Hell will be broken and the road of Bodhi opens. The lotus flower flies to the World of Ultimate Bliss. All the wisdom appears naturally. He is happy to speak and stay at a position of supplement of a Buddha.

14) If any person suffers many diseases and is suffering acute pain because of his cause of serious sin. If he reads this spiritual Dharani for twenty one times. All the diseases and worries will disappear. He will enjoy uncountable blessings and long life.

15) If any body lives in a poor family because he was miserly, his clothes can not cover his body. His food can not keep him survival. He appears to be very week and thin, people don’t like to see him. This person feels ashamed. He goes to a mountain taking some wild flowers. He grinds some wood to make incense. He goes to the front of this Stupa to prostrate and make offerings. He walks around the Stupa seven times clockwise. He weeps and repents. The poor effect is deleted and wealth comes suddenly. Seven gems come like raining. Nothing is in shortage. But at this time he should offer to The Buddha and The Dharma; and donate to the poor. If he is miserly, the wealth will disappear suddenly.

16) If anybody establishes a Stupa with a height of four fingers for planting good roots. He uses mud or bricks according to his ability. He writes this spiritual Dharani and puts it into this Stupa. He prostrates himself before this Stupa with fragrant flowers. Frangrant cloud comes out from the small Stupa because of the power of the Dharani and his faith. The fragrance and cloudy light spread all over the Dharma Realm. This fragrance and brightness will do Buddhist deeds. The merit and virtual are as the same as abovementioned. That is to say no any wishes are not satisfying.

17) If some one who comes to the Stupa begging for blessing, he offers a flower or an incense, prostrates himself before and makes offerings to the Stupa, and circumanbulates the Stupa clockwise. Because of such merits, the person will automatically gain happiness, high position and fame without striving; obtain longevity and richness without asking; defeat enemies and thieves without fighting; diminish hatreds and curses without expelling; avoid diseases and plagues without curing: get a noble husband or a lovely wife without searching: bear smart sons and pretty daughters without praying; and all wishes will be fulfilled.

19) If there are birds, pigeons, dogs, wolves, mosquitoes and ants, coming to the shadow of this Stupa or stepping on the grassland, they will destroy the obstruct and understand from ignorance. They will enter a Buddhist’s home and receive the Dharma wealth.

20) If any person sees the form of the Stupa, or he hears the sound from the bells, or hears the name of this Stupa, or he is at the shadow of this Stupa. His criminal obstruction will be demolished. His wishes will be fulfilled. He will enjoy a serene life and will reborn in the World of Ultimate Bliss after he dies.

21) If anybody uses a little mud to repair the spoiled wall of the Stupa, or uses a small stone to prop up the leaning Stupa. His blessing and lifespan will be raised. He will become a Wheel Turning King after this life.

22) After my nirvana, if anybody in the four families of my believers offers incense and flowers, sincerely vows to read this Dharani in front of the Stupa aiming to relieve the suffering of those in evil patterns, every sentence will eliminate great light to shine the three evil patterns. All suffering will be gone. The living beings will be relieved from pain and the seed of Buddha will sprout. They will reborn in any pure lands as they wish.

23) If anybody standing on a mount and read this Dharani sincerely. All living beings with hair, feather, scales and shells that are staying in the mountains, forest, rivers and seas within the sight of this man, will break the obstruction and understand from the ignorance. The original three natures of the Buddha will appear. They will stay in the serene place of great nirvana.

24) If anybody walks with this person on the same road. Or anybody touches his clothes or steping on the footprint of this person. Or anybody meets him and has a talk with this person. The serious sin of this person will be demolished and he will find success in the path of enlightenment.

